Friday, April 23, 2010

Yoga Unites

This post was written by Melissa from Ohio: 

This is certainly true. It unites us as a community and it re-unites us with ourselves. If we just take the time to focus on our breathing, we can become present in the moment and live now instead of yesterday or tomorrow.  There are plenty of things to worry about, but we are better capable of dealing with them when we slow down and breathe. There are various forms of yoga, and everyone can find something they are physically capable of doing and something they can enjoy. 

I was involved in a study at The Ohio State University that set out to look at the role of yoga and stress in breast cancer survivors. The study is ongoing, so the data is not published yet, but we were shown very gentle movements and breathing exercises that were calming. My instructor was a peaceful, beautiful lady who truly loves yoga. Often that is the case with yoga instructors- they want to share the gift of yoga because it is such a great experience. We just need to let go and relax as students. Don't look at your neighbor's pose- focus on your breathing and relax into the pose.  Let the day's worries melt away....

How do you feel about yoga? Has it help you cope? Share your thoughts with us, either here on this blog, on our Facebook page!


  1. I think everyone should be interested in yoga. This is the healthiest way to stay in a good shape.

  2. wanted to do yoga from earlier childhood. looks like because of your site me dreams could makes come true!! it's great!

  3. it's great of course, and very very useful. but I think today most of people think that it's another fashion trend you know ((
